He is our favorite boy from the land of Ooo. Finn the Human is a young adventurer who fights evil, explores dungeons and helps all sorts of random but lovely creatures. He is what we might call, a hero.
So, do you want to learn how to draw Finn the Human? Do not worry. Here we bring you another of our drawing tutorials; this time about Finn from Adventure Time plus a little extra bonus you will probably find useful. We have other easy drawing tutorials, perhaps you would enjoy taking a look at this: How To Draw Teemo. Step by Step Drawing of League of Legends.
Learning how to draw cartoon characters is a great way to practice drawing for beginners; it’s not the same as learning how to draw people, but it offers you the opportunity to learn to sketch and also learn how to draw for kids.
Observation first! What do you notice about this Finn? What kind of features do you think might make it simpler for you to portray this adventure lover who was raised by a family of dogs?
Step One: Draw a circle. This is going to work as a guide. Don’t worry, you are about to see it.
Draw rectangle inside that circle. This is going to be Finn’s body.
A lot of cartoon characters are made up of simple shapes like rectangles and circles. Take a moment to think about the many cartoon characters you can draw out of these basic shapes.
Ok! Now we’re going to draw more guidelines before starting to shape the outline. Guidelines are going to help us keep proportions at all moments. Draw three horizontal lines. One to divide Finn’s headgear from the shirt, another is to divide his shirt from his pants. The third one is to show where do his legs begin.
A vertical line at the middle will help you keep symmetry. With a little imagination, you are able to see how you will be capable to build Finn out of this initial sketch. Now add the guidelines for the ears on Finn’s headgear.
Step Two: Now we can make a decent outline of Finn’s full body.
Draw two little curves at the top to make the ears of Finn’s hat; this is his signature and trademark, everyone with a headgear like this will automatically become Finn. This white hat resembles polar bear ears and adds cuteness to our hero; it also holds his massively long blonde hair we were all surprised to see for the first time on the episode: “To Cut a Woman’s Hair”.
Draw two curves to help you visualize his arms and then outline them.
Finn’s legs are pretty straight and easily portrayed as rectangles. Draw the guidelines for his legs and remember to keep inside the big circle.
Draw Finn’s clothes. Don’t forget about the backpack.
Our hero needs it to carry weapons, magical artifacts, and small creatures around so they don’t need to walk. Draw a curved line on Finn’s back to make the bag and a couple more on the front to make the straps. Did you know Finn’s backpack has been destroyed in the past? That’s right; it was completely destroyed in the episode “Mortal Folly”, luckily he got a new one from Raggedy Princess on “Mortal Recoil”.
Step Three: Let’s get into details. Begin by taking a softer pencil and draw darker lines. Draw again Finn’s arm, this time include the fingers.
Now re-draw the other arm and give a sword to our hero. Yes! every hero needs a sword; and boy! This one has many of them. Finn has had five main swords and many other less relevant around the show. Let’s begin with a simple sword, nothing with too much detail so we can make it easier for a first drawing, like Scarlet. Also known as the Golden Sword of Battle, Scarlet is Finn’s weapon of choice at the beginning of the show until it turned into a four-dimensional object and got destroyed by a black hole on the episode “The Real You”.
Draw Finn’s shoes and socks.
Step Four: Guidelines will help you keep symmetry. Why stop using them at this point if we’re about to draw Finn’s face soon?
Use these guidelines to draw Finn’ face starting with a circle to represent the opening in Finn’s headgear.
Look how good it’s all going! All thanks to guidelines. Let’s use a couple more, a vertical and a horizontal one to divide Finn’s face into 4.
Step Five: Our Finn is almost ready; we already have the full outline of our hero.
Our Finn is almost ready; we already have the full outline of our hero. Let’s give him a face. Now that the circle in the head to expose his face out of the headgear is done, we add two dots for his eyes, it’s that simple. Draw a bean shape for his mouth and a little curve for the tongue. Depending on how you draw the bean shape you will change his facial expression; for this example, we will draw him happy. Complete the face details adding three little teeth at the top of his mouth and there you go. Our hero has a face!
We can make his headgear a little more dynamic by playing with the curves of the head and ears.
Now let’s draw the diamond-shaped sword and the handle.
Finish up your drawing with the final dark lines. Erase the spare lines, and make your drawing a little cleaner.
Step Six: If you want to add some color the scheme is simple:
White hat, light blue shirt, and darker blue shorts; the backpack is half light green and darker green on the other half. White socks, black shoes; the sword’s handle is dark grey or black with a little red gem at the end, and the blade is yellow (or golden if you want). Add some pink on the mouth and a lighter pink for the tongue to make details look much better.
Finn the Human is ready to protect the land of Ooo and it’s all thanks to you! Congratulations! Just for fun, we will add a couple of gifs so you can draw cute chubby baby Finn from the episode: “Memory of a Memory”.